Kingston Kia Kaha Aiono was born
on March 21st, 2004 to his parents Sarah and
Hagoth. Kingston was diagnosed with XLP on Wednesday January 3,
2007. He passed two days later on Friday January 5, 2007 .Losing
their eldest son to a primary immune deficiency disease was a heartbreaking
journey for Sarah and Hagoth. |
Kingston’s diagnosis and passing prompted immediate
testing for their second son Phoenix, who was also diagnosed with XLP.
The early detection allowed the doctors, Sarah, Hagoth and Phoenix time
to find a bone marrow match and donor. Phoenix underwent his bone marrow
transplant three months after his birth successfully saving his life. |
Friends of Kingston
is a non-profit organization which exists from a heartfelt desire to share
knowledge and emotionally strengthen and physically assist families dealing
with children suffering from primary immune deficiency diseases. |